Mon Calamari Cruiser

Mon Calamari Cruiser

It was not until the entry of the Mon Calamari (Mon Cal) into the Rebellion that the Rebel forces gained capital starships with which to combat the Star Destroyers of the Empire. The huge battle cruisers of the Mon Cal are modified versions of the deep-space exploration vessels their builders have for decades used to increase their understanding of the universe around them.
Calamari Combat Designation:Capital Starship
Length:1200 meters
Crew:5,402 (688 officers, 4734 enlisted)
Weapons:48 Taim & Bak XV9 turbolasers (with computer assisted targeting); 20 ArMek SW-7 ion batteries; Six Phylon-Q7 tractor beam projectors
Starfighter Squadrons:Two X-wing, three Y-wing, one A-wing