Name: Luke Skywalker
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Height: 1.72 meters
Luke never knew his real parents. He was raised by Owen and Beru Lars on a mois ture farm deep in the wilderness of Tatooine. He was led to believe they were his aunt and uncle who took him in after his parents were killed. He was totally oblivious to the fact that his real fat her had become the Dark Lord of the Sith and that Owen was doing a favor to his brother, Obi-Wan Kenobi, by taking in the child. Owen tried several times to dissuade Luke from pursuing Kenobi and, in tu rn, the truth. While keeping Luke from joining the Imperial Academy was said to be for the good of th e farm, in actuality he wanted to keep Luke as far from the Empire as possible, even if that meant locki ng him at home. Luke was an eager boy, talking large dreams with his friends Camie, Fixer, and B iggs. In fact, it was Biggs who turned Luke onto the Rebellion by jumping ship and joining up. Bright , eager, and unusually strong in the center, Luke was a model Rebel just waiting for his chance. And t hat chance came in the form of two droids jettisoned from the TANTIVE IV. Had Owen not purchased the droids on the Jawa market, the Battle of Yavin may never have occurred and Luke may never have become the hero he is today. The droids led him to Obi-Wan who suggested to Luke that perhaps he had a greate r destiny, one that must be actively taken. Luke struggled with this until finding Owen and Be ru slain by the Empire. Confident in his abilities, Luke trained to become the finest Jedi he could be, taking every bit of knowledge Obi-Wan could offer. It has become his single heartfelt goal to restore the New Republic by recreating the Jedi.