Death Star

Death Star

Even with his enormous Imperial space fleet in place. Palpatine felt that there was a certain lack of "respect" (and fear) for his rule among the worlds of the former Republic. Wanting to remedy the situation, he called upon the brightest of his spacecraft designers and demanded a vessel more magnificent and more powerful than any that had ever been in space before. His single demand was that the new battle fortress have the ability to destroy an entire planet with one quick, massive stroke, against which there could be no planetary defense.
Vessel Type:Deep-space mobile battle station
Primary Designer:Bevel Lemelisk
Conceived and Supervised By:Grand Moff Tarkin
Construction Site:Planetary orbit, penal world Despayre; Horuz system, Outer Rim Territories
Diameter:120,000 meters (equivalent to a Class IV moon)
Maximum Speed:1.2c
Superlaser Range:47,060,000 kilometers
Fuel:Compressed stellar hydrogen
Surface Weapons:Turbolaser batteries (5,000); Heavy turbolaser batteries (5,000); Laser cannons (2,500); Ion cannons (2,500); Tractor beam emplacements (768)